My name is Autumn, and I am a Registered Nurse at American Fork Intensive Care Unit. I have been with that department for a little over a year, but I have been with Intermountain for over 14 years now in various departments. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me smile every day, and have 3 children. Years 8,10,4 two boys with a girl in the middle.
I am only 33, but some days feel much older. I have seen the 100 Day Heart Challenge in the Intermountain newsletter for a few years now, and when it came around again I thought I really should apply to give me the motivation to acually make a change. When it came to the question of "What is your cholesterol?" I had no idea. Then the question "What is your blood pressure?" Well that has always been normal, but I was at work and decided to check it. I was shocked when it read 158/105. I continued to check it randomly and at home several times over the next few days only to have it consistantly read high so I make the dreaded Dr. appt. and was put on medication. My wonderful Dr. sat down with me told me my cholesterol was too high, now I had high blood pressure, and reminded me that I was already on Glucophage for high insulin levels. He gently said I was very overweight then proceeded to ask "You're an ICU nurse right? You know the timeline and the results if you don't make a real change starting now".
5 days later I got a notice from Janet inviting me to become part of the 100 day heart challenge. I have been given a wonderful opportunity with overwhelming amount of support and motivation to make that change. I plan on taking full advantage of it and making those changes now to be the best healthiest me possible.
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